An academic research enterprise based in Cambridge with a “Christian Ethos”, the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion last week announced finding irrefutable evidence between human desire and the hard laws of physics. The publication of the results of a recent series of remarkable experiments has left no doubt that we indeed create our own reality. “The difficulties in the design of this set of experiments were enormous” said Professor Stephan Singh, a prominent Faraday Institute researcher.
After many decades of struggling to harmonize religious belief with scientific finding, the Faraday Institute has finally reconciled the two views, which it no longer sees as competing. These apparent conflicts arise in many domains, but none so public as Darwin’s theories of evolution and natural selection vs. Creationism and Intelligent Design (ID). “We’re not talking about trying to reconcile silly stuff like a world that sits on the back of a turtle, or which is dreamed up by some supernatural animal. We are only interested in the real story of the 7 day creation with Adam and Eve. Why does that so often seem to be in contradiction to observable fact?” asked the Professor. “Since we already know what is true, we reasoned that there must therefore be some way to prove it” Professor Singh went on.
The remarkable experiments are far too complex and conceptually difficult to understand, but the essence of the findings is that reality comes into existence ‘as we wish it to’. The reason there seems to be geological evidence which starkly contradicts the known 6000 year history of the earth is that there are still a large number of believers who think that such evidence exists.
A subtle, but deep and remarkable insight during the experiments showed that as soon as we could convince people that a set of red and blue blocks contained only red blocks, the blue blocks actually ceased to exist. As the control group was punished, rewarded, and otherwise
coerced into believing that maybe there were no blue blocks, perhaps it was a lighting issue – as belief began to solidify, it actually created its own reality! The blue blocks indeed vanished, leading to deeper belief, and so on in a glorious cycle leading to a fully consistent universe which is exactly, and only, what we claim it to be.
Professor Singh warned that there was still much to do: “The ‘we’ needs to be carefully chosen so that not too many competing realities will try to form at once. Also, we must find a way to keep the process going until a majority of humans believe. The rest should then quickly be forced into place.”