n a world of all things great and small, knowing which way to hang toilet paper is a pretty tricky business. Everyone has an opinion on the matter.
A leading researcher from the State University of North New York (SUNNY) working in the Department of Reducing Consumption of Toilet Paper in the Faculty of Environmental Science has discovered that an easy way to reduce the consumption of toilet paper is to hang the roll on the toilet roll holder so the edge of the toilet paper is hanging to the front rather than to the wall. Experiments carried out by the researcher found that, on average, the user takes 3.7 sheets of toilet paper when the roll is hanging to the front and 7.1 sheets, on average, when it is hanging the other way around. Therefore the use of toilet paper may be reduced by almost by 50% if the paper is hanging the right way.
Some powder-room people claim that “God made toilet paper to roll only one way” (from the outside of the dispenser, naturally). On the other hand, left-wing people insist that toilet paper must fall towards the wall, however, there are many people who don’t really care which way the toilet paper falls as long as there is some toilet paper in the bathroom.
It has been reported that knowing how to install a toilet paper roll correctly can even save a person’s marriage.
The researchers have also compared the effectiveness of a one-ply toilet paper with that of a two-ply paper and found that a 2-play toilet paper does not on the average reduce the use of paper.