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AshleyMartin1 0

Ashley Madison was a Stanford Experiment

One of thegarlic reporters has established close contacts with the owners of the Ashley Madison web site. It appears that the primary purpose of the

September 24, 2015 General, International
Jeremy-Clarkson 0

Sacked Top Gear Host Jeremy Clarkson Moves to Australia

The controversial Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson has been sacked by the BBC. Given that Clarkson is highly popular, he has been offered a job by Channel

June 23, 2015 Australia, General
Charlie2 0

The Garlic has decided to not publish any More Stories that Offend Muslims

The Garlic understands that the new edition of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo will show a cartoon depicting the Prophet Muhammad holding a “Je suis

January 14, 2015 General, International
CivilServants 0

Stranger Than Fiction – Don’t Forget to Come back to Work

The Indian government has sacked a civil servant who went on leave in 1990 and never came back to work. Urban development minister M Venkaiah

January 10, 2015 General, India, True Short News
DarwinAwards 0

Stranger Than Fiction – Men are Bigger Idiots than Women

A team of British researchers from Newcastle University  claim to have discovered that men are bigger idiots than women. The researchers decided to test the

December 19, 2014 General, International, Science
FedererBollywood 0

Roger Federer to Act in Bollywood after Retirement

Roger Federer’s first trip to India in December 2014 was full of excitement and unforgettable memories enjoying massive attention from people all over India. His

December 15, 2014 General, India, International

ACTU Keen to Follow Walmart in Allowing All Employees Social Media breaks

ACTU representing the Australian has been following developments at Walmart; the biggest in the world. Walmart has a booming online business that has more than

December 01, 2014 Australia, General, International
GMvegies 0

New Research in France Develops GM Crops that Grow Cooked Vegetables

With an ever increasing global population, massive developing world hunger, and with an estimation that a child dies for every two seconds world wide from

December 01, 2014 General, International, Science
Ctrl-Alt-Delete 0

Microsoft Recognises its Major Invention since Microsoft was Established

Microsoft has announced a number of awards that recognize its major innovations. Ctl-alt-del has been given the coveted Microsoft prize for the most important innovation

December 01, 2014 General, International, Science
DumbPeople2 0

Research Finds that Dumb People Need to be Intelligent to Know that they are Dumb

Research finds that dumb people need to be intelligent to know that they are dumb. A highly respected research group in USA has discovered the

December 01, 2014 General, International, Science
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