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China?s President Xi Jinping is introduced by Australia's Prime Minister Tony Abbott to members of parliament after he spoke at Parliament House in Canberra 0

A New Free Trade Agreement Between China and Australia Allows China to Gradually Buy all of Tasmania

After nearly a decade of intense negotiations, Australia has signed a free-trade agreement (FTA) with China. Prime Minister Tony Abbott has noted that the FTA

June 06, 2015 Australia, International, Politics
Sweden's prime minister Stefan Lofven 0

Australian Politicians Abbott and Morrison Likely to Advise Swedish Politicians

Sweden’s far right party plunged the country into unprecedented political upheaval by forcing the government to gamble on fresh elections in the spring after the

December 15, 2014 International, Politics
USgayAmbassador 0

Australian PM Reluctant to Shake Hand with the American Ambassdor

Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott has defended comments he made about homosexuality, saying gays and lesbians “challenge” the order of things and he “probably felt

December 01, 2014 Australia, International, Politics
Republicans 0

Republicans Don’t Want the Presidency in 2016

On winning majority in both Congress and the Senate, in a closed door meeting of all Republican members of the Congress and the Senate recently

November 10, 2014 Politics
Poverty 0

The Republicans Want to Reduce American Poverty

Many average voters, and especially minorities and suburban women, assume that Democrats care more for disadvantaged Americans than Republicans do. It is a myth that

November 01, 2014 Politics
Voters 0

Australia Forces Every Voter to Vote in a Most Boring Election; Those Who Don’t will be Fined

Politics can be boring for some of the people. With the Australian election around the corner on 7 September, people have no enthusiasm for it.

August 09, 2013 Australia, Politics
Pope1 0

Health problems Were Not Why Pope Benedict Resigned; He was Sick of the Job

An investigative journalist of the garlic has discovered that Pope Benedict had no known serious health problems and was still of agile mind at the

August 07, 2013 General, Politics 0

Murdoch is Furious about The Washington Post Being Sold to Bezos

The Garlic has learned from informed sources at News Corporation that Rupert Murdoch is quite upset that a youngster 49-year old Jeff Bezos has managed

August 06, 2013 Politics, Uncategorized

A Secret Taliban Envoy Pleads with the American Commander in Afghanistan

A secret Taliban envoy has contacted the American Commander in Afghanistan and has pleaded with the commander not to withdraw their troops from the country.

August 06, 2013 International, Politics
karzai3 0

Obama Will Not Allow Bigger Bags for Karzai

The USA delivers off-the-books cash directly to Karzai’s office each month. All told, tens of millions of dollars have flowed from the C.I.A. to the

July 31, 2013 International, Politics
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