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Obama_Jan2013 0

IMF, China and EU are Preparing to Bail Out USA

IMF, China and EU are expecting USA to apply for international financial assistance when the Republicans refuse to pass the debt limit legislation in mid-October.

June 10, 2013 Politics
BarackObama 0

Republicans Support Ralph Nader’s Campaign to Impeach Obama

Ralph Nader is not a fan of President Barack Obama, if only because he thinks Obama was capable of so much more. On issues related

October 01, 2012 Politics
JulianAssange3 0

Julian Assange to be Hunted Like Osama bin Laden, Barack Obama says

When President George W. Bush was in power, he has been reported to have began every intelligence briefing with the first question: “Where is bin

August 23, 2012 International, Politics
Isaac 0

Romney and Ryan Condemn President Obama’s Support for Isaac

Tropical storm Isaac may disrupt the Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa, Florida during the week of 27 August. With roughly 50,000 people

August 15, 2012 Politics 0

USA Negotiating Sale of Alaska to Reduce Debt

President Obama has presented a new proposal to raise revenue and reduce the deficit. The proposal has garnered bipartisan support, something rare in Washington these

August 06, 2012 Politics
Romney4 0

Republican Party Detests Obama and Romney Equally

The Republican Party has made it abundantly clear that Mitt Romney isn’t one of them. The primary reason for this is that Mitt Romney is

July 02, 2012 Politics
steve-jobs-small 0

Republicans Oppose Obama’s Praise of Steve Jobs

A number of republican congress leaders have denounced President Obama’s praise of Steve Jobs after the Apple boss passed away. Republican leaders shrugged off what

May 22, 2012 Politics
barack-obama-t12697 0

Obama War Chest 98% Depleted

Inside sources at the Obama campaign today revealed to The Garlic reporters that President Obama has spent 97.7% of his total available re-election campaign funds.

May 18, 2012 Politics
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