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Republicans 0

Republicans Don’t Want the Presidency in 2016

On winning majority in both Congress and the Senate, in a closed door meeting of all Republican members of the Congress and the Senate recently

November 10, 2014 Politics
Poverty 0

The Republicans Want to Reduce American Poverty

Many average voters, and especially minorities and suburban women, assume that Democrats care more for disadvantaged Americans than Republicans do. It is a myth that

November 01, 2014 Politics
Obama_Jan2013 0

IMF, China and EU are Preparing to Bail Out USA

IMF, China and EU are expecting USA to apply for international financial assistance when the Republicans refuse to pass the debt limit legislation in mid-October.

June 10, 2013 Politics 0

Republicans and the NRA to Persude The UN to Enact Right to Gun Laws for All World Citizens

Adopted in 1791, the Second Amendment to the USA Constitution is part of the United States Bill of Rights that gives citizens the right to

April 05, 2013 Politics
PaulRyan 0

Republicans Propose Changes to the Tax System to Increase Revenue

After the 2012 Presidential election, the Republicans and Paul Ryan have announced new ways to raise revenue and reduce the USA’s debt. The new tax

November 13, 2012 Politics
BarackObama 0

Republicans Support Ralph Nader’s Campaign to Impeach Obama

Ralph Nader is not a fan of President Barack Obama, if only because he thinks Obama was capable of so much more. On issues related

October 01, 2012 Politics
ToddAiken 0

Definition of “Legitimate Rape” and “Illegitimate Rape”

Rep. Todd Akin, the newly-christened GOP Senate nominee in Missouri, believes that “legitimate rape” rarely causes pregnancy. He said that he understood from doctors that

August 21, 2012 Politics
annan 0

Republicans and the Democrats to Negotiate a Ceasefire

Most American voters believe that the ongoing battle between Obama Democrats and Tea Party Republicans needs to stop. The fight waged by the Republicans against

August 17, 2012 Politics
Isaac 0

Romney and Ryan Condemn President Obama’s Support for Isaac

Tropical storm Isaac may disrupt the Republican National Convention to be held in Tampa, Florida during the week of 27 August. With roughly 50,000 people

August 15, 2012 Politics
Romney+Ryan2 0

Paul Ryan to Attract GLOW Voters by Almost Abolishing Medicare

As reported earlier in thegarlic, detailed analysis of various polls and inside polling by Mr Romney’s team appear to show that Mitt Romney is trailing

August 12, 2012 Politics
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